
Buying/Investing TIMES, THEY ARE A’CHANGIN’? Sky-High Listing Prices Are Finally Starting To Come Back Down To Earth Brenda Richardson, Senior Contributor FORBES Sellers are finally lowering their asking prices as real estate demand falls.   More and more, home sellers are giving in to the mounting pressure on affordability posed by June’s rapid mortgage rate hike, according to a new report […]
Buying/Investing EIGHT STEPS TO HOME OWNERSHIP What To Expect At Every Stage Of The Process by Tara Hotchkis, Member FORBES Biz Council Considering a home purchase can be a nerve-wracking endeavor for anyone, especially for first-time home buyers. I remember how nervous I was. On weekends, I would sift through property listings and fantasize about what it would feel like to […]
Buying/Investing 2022 MORTGAGE RATE FORECAST Rates will climb modestly as Fed fights inflation Written/Edited by Jeff Ostrowski & Bill McGuire The era of record-low mortgage rates is drawing to a close. But even as sub-3 percent rates on 30-year loans fade into the rearview mirror, mortgage rates are likely to remain near historic lows through 2022. Bankrate chief financial analyst Greg […]
Buying/Investing SEVEN WAYS TO BUILD WEALTH & GAIN SECURITY… …Through Homeownership by Tara Hotchkis, Member FORBES Real Estate Council Should I purchase a home or sign another lease? Is now the right time to buy, or should I wait until next year? What would be the advantages of buying my next home? These are some of the feelings many of us experience and the […]
Buying/Investing RENT-BACKS: A POWERFUL TOOL IN A BUYER’S TOOLBOX by Mike Maher, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate One of the complications of a hot housing market is that the intense competition for homes is making it harder for home sellers to plan their next move. Those who are selling a primary residence have additional factors to consider – like how long it will take […]
Buying/Investing APPLYING FOR YOUR FIRST FIX & FLIP LOAN? Here’s What To Expect by Saurabh Shah, Member FORBES Real Estate Council When you’re applying to a real estate lender for your first fix and flip loan, there’s a lot to keep track of. While you might have gone through a lending process when you purchased the home you live in, the fix and flip […]
Buying/Investing FIVE STEPS TO MAKING YOUR BEST OFFER In An Exploding Housing Market by Nick Ron, Member FORBES Real Estate Council As we emerge from the variables and uncertainties of the past 18 months, we are witnessing what appears to be a total renaissance in real estate: the realization that people no longer need to be chained to an urban center for their […]
Buying/Investing TEN TIPS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR PROPERTY INSPECTION by Aviva Sonenreich, Member FORBES Real Estate Council In such a hot real estate market as we’re experiencing today, many buyers are passing on property inspections, attempting to win the bidding wars incited by the current inventory crisis. But the inspection is still one of the most critical stages in the process of buying and […]
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Buying/Investing SHOULD I BUY A HOME NOW…or wait? by Cyrus Purnell, Contributor Financial Finesse – FORBES Contributor Group It’s no secret the housing market has become more expensive over the last couple of years. Most regions have seen double digit inflation in the cost of homes. This growth has been driven by several factors such as millennials hitting their prime homebuying ages, the […]
Buying/Investing [ IS THE “20% DOWN” MORTGAGE DEAD? ] by David Rae, Contributor FORBES – Personal Finance Housing markets across the United States are on fire; skyrocketing values may be the death of the 20% down payment. Especially for first-time home buyers, the challenge of coming up with a 20% mortgage down payment can be nearly impossible, especially when continuing to save for other […]
Buying/Investing THREE THINGS BUYERS SHOULD KNOW… When Shopping For Their First Home by Beatrice de Jong, Member FORBES Real Estate Council Buying a home will likely be one of the biggest and most important purchases you make during your lifetime, and it’s still part of the American dream. Investing in a home can also be a smart way for younger generations to build […]
Buying/Investing HOW TO STOP RENTING… …And Buy Your First Home This Year by Beatrice de Jong,  Member FORBES Real Estate Council The real estate market is hot, and experts predict that it won’t be cooling off anytime soon. The good news is that low mortgage rates have made it possible for many people to buy their first home earlier than planned. Renters […]
Buying/Investing HOW TO BUY A HOME in a sellers market by Liz Frazier, Contributor FORBES – Personal Finance The 2020 housing market was a year of extremes. Within the span of just a few months, we saw homes bounce between hit decade highs and decade lows. Going into 2021, economists and industry players project home prices will continue rising by 5.7% in 2021 and that the seller’s […]
Buying/Investing APPLYING FOR YOUR FIRST MORTGAGE? 14 Expert Tips To Boost Your Approval Chances FORBES Real Estate Council Buying a home is one of the most expensive things the average person will do in their lifetime. A mortgage is viewed as the default way to finance this purchase, but getting one isn’t always easy, especially for a first-time homebuyer. There are […]
Buying/Investing A ROADMAP FOR MILLENNIAL HOMEBUYERS by Corey Burr,  Council Member FORBES Real Estate Council A rapidly growing number of millennials are jumping into the real estate market. Prior to Covid-19, predicted that millennial mortgage purchases would make up more than 50% of all new home loans this year. Even with the effects of the pandemic, millennials still managed to purchase homes. For […]
Buying/Investing 5 MYTHS ABOUT BUYING & SELLING A HOME RIGHT NOW by Beatrice de Jong, Member FORBES Real Estate Council Americans spend more on housing than anything else. When making one of the biggest financial decisions of your life, it’s smart to weigh your options, understand current market conditions and arm yourself with the right information. This has always been true when it comes to buying or selling […]
Buying/Investing [GET READY TO BUY POST COVID-19] [5 Things You Can Do Now] by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate There’s no denying that the spread of coronavirus has made the process of buying a home more difficult in some places and nearly impossible in others. However, even though your area may be dealing with restrictions on the real estate industry, […]
Buying/Investing BUYING A HOME DURING CORONAVIRUS The Dos And Donts Of Virtual Showings by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Even though real estate is slowly opening back up in many states, many people are still trying to keep the process as contactless as possible. Sometimes that includes utilizing virtual showings. In light of that, I spoke with Beatrice de […]
Buying/Investing [5 THINGS TO DO TO GET READY TO BUY AFTER COVID] By Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate There’s no denying that the spread of coronavirus has made the process of buying a home more difficult in some places and nearly impossible in others. However, even though your area may be dealing with restrictions on the real estate industry, that doesn’t mean you have to […]
Buying/Investing APPLYING FOR A MORTGAGE WITH A CO-SIGNER? Here’s What You Need To Know by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Not everyone can get a mortgage on their own, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to become a homeowner. In some cases, you may be able to add a co-signer to the loan to increase your chances of approval. However, before […]