Market Trends

Home Improvement What will an ADU do to your PROPERTY TAXES & RESALE VALUE? by Jon Healy, Senior Editor UTILITY JOURNALISM (LA TIMES)  A common pitch for accessory dwelling units is that building one will add a lot of value to your property.   How much, though, is a bit of a mystery. And that can pose a problem for homeowners looking to build one. An ADU isn’t just extra square footage […]
Buying FIVE PRACTICAL TIPS To Get The Lowest Mortgage Rate Possible 5 Practical Tips To Get The Lowest Mortgage Rate Possible by Rob Berger, Contributor FORBES Personal Finance If you’re in the market to purchase a home, you know that mortgage rates are rising. Rates surpassed 7% for the first time in 20 years. And higher mortgage rates send monthly payments up significantly. A $240,000 mortgage at a […]
Financing EXITING FORBEARANCE? Four Tips To Solidify Your Financial Future by Miriam Moore, Member FORBES Real Estate Council The U.S. economy, which was ravaged by the fallout from an unprecedented pandemic, is taking steps to course correct. This, after millions of homeowners already teetering on the brink of financial distress were pushed over the edge when businesses and […]
Buying/Investing TIMES, THEY ARE A’CHANGIN’? Sky-High Listing Prices Are Finally Starting To Come Back Down To Earth Brenda Richardson, Senior Contributor FORBES Sellers are finally lowering their asking prices as real estate demand falls.   More and more, home sellers are giving in to the mounting pressure on affordability posed by June’s rapid mortgage rate hike, according to a new report […]
Buying/Investing SEVEN WAYS TO BUILD WEALTH & GAIN SECURITY… …Through Homeownership by Tara Hotchkis, Member FORBES Real Estate Council Should I purchase a home or sign another lease? Is now the right time to buy, or should I wait until next year? What would be the advantages of buying my next home? These are some of the feelings many of us experience and the […]
Buying/Investing SHOULD I BUY A HOME NOW…or wait? by Cyrus Purnell, Contributor Financial Finesse – FORBES Contributor Group It’s no secret the housing market has become more expensive over the last couple of years. Most regions have seen double digit inflation in the cost of homes. This growth has been driven by several factors such as millennials hitting their prime homebuying ages, the […]
Buying/Investing HOW TO STOP RENTING… …And Buy Your First Home This Year by Beatrice de Jong,  Member FORBES Real Estate Council The real estate market is hot, and experts predict that it won’t be cooling off anytime soon. The good news is that low mortgage rates have made it possible for many people to buy their first home earlier than planned. Renters […]
Home Improvement WANT AN INCREASE IN YOUR HOME’S VALUE? Go for Energy Efficient Upgrades! from Luxury Real Estate Blog Having an energy efficient home will not only save you money while living in it but will also help you a lot should you decide to let go of your home. Energy efficient homes generate buzz among buyers because like you, they also want to […]
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Buying/Investing HOW TO BUY A HOME in a sellers market by Liz Frazier, Contributor FORBES – Personal Finance The 2020 housing market was a year of extremes. Within the span of just a few months, we saw homes bounce between hit decade highs and decade lows. Going into 2021, economists and industry players project home prices will continue rising by 5.7% in 2021 and that the seller’s […]
Buying/Investing [5 THINGS TO DO TO GET READY TO BUY AFTER COVID] By Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate There’s no denying that the spread of coronavirus has made the process of buying a home more difficult in some places and nearly impossible in others. However, even though your area may be dealing with restrictions on the real estate industry, that doesn’t mean you have to […]
Market Trends [ED COs OFFERING FREE SUBS DURING SCHOOL CLOSURES] You don’t need to be a teacher or an educator to get access. by MARISA LASCALA, CONTRIBUTOR GOOD HOUSEKEEPING With all of the recent school closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak, thousands of parents have turned into homeschooling educators overnight. And while many school districts are providing some kind of distance learning, parents still find themselves scrambling to […]
Market Trends [HOW TO HOMESCHOOL DURING CORONAVIRUS] Parents who already teach at home offer tips on how to make the transition work. by Gina Rich, Contributor GOOD HOUSEKEEPING As the novel coronavirus continues to spread around the world, thousands of schools have closed in an effort to slow down the disease, leaving many parents grappling with this question: In the face of so much […]
Market Trends 5 TIPS FOR SELLING [DURING A TIME OF PANDEMIC] by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Life is changing incredibly fast during the coronavirus pandemic and many industries are following suit, including real estate. While some sellers are deciding to pull their homes off the market and try to sell at a different time, that may not be an option for everyone. With […]
Buying/Investing BUYING A HOME BEFORE MARRIAGE? Here Are 4 Important Considerations To Keep In Mind Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate For previous generations, buying a home was a life milestone that often came after couples had already gotten married and combined households. These days, however, that cultural norm seems to be quickly changing. According to a new homeownership report by WalletJoy, […]
Market Trends ADUs Boost Accessibility & Affordability by Jennifer Anderson, Member FORBES Real Estate Council More communities throughout the U.S. are demanding more flexible real estate options that can accommodate multigenerational families throughout all phases of life. One prominent and increasingly popular solution is the accessory dwelling unit, or ADU – an independent residential unit with its own kitchen, bathroom(s) and bedroom(s) […]
Market Trends WHEN TO GET EXCITED ABOUT THE HOUSING MARKET Real estate professionals get that consumers, by and large, ignore housing statistics and the market until they become involved in the purchase or sale of a home. It’s only natural then that what impacts the market is a bit of a mystery to many. What determines a buyers’ or sellers’ market? What factors influence home […]