Home Improvement

Home Improvement What will an ADU do to your PROPERTY TAXES & RESALE VALUE? by Jon Healy, Senior Editor UTILITY JOURNALISM (LA TIMES)  A common pitch for accessory dwelling units is that building one will add a lot of value to your property.   How much, though, is a bit of a mystery. And that can pose a problem for homeowners looking to build one. An ADU isn’t just extra square footage […]
Home Improvement THE ROOM THAT MAKES OR BREAKS A HOME SALE by Ryan Serhant, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate When shopping for a new home, some people get excited about a giant walk-in closet with built-in shelving; Others daydream about a private outdoor space with panoramic views. But what you think sells a home is different from what actually sells a home. The room that tends […]
Home Improvement HERE’S HOW MUCH POPULAR UPGRADES WILL COST by Brenda Richardson, Senior Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Sooner or later you might join the millions of Americans who remodel or renovate their homes each year. Perhaps it’s at that time when you realize your kitchen says 1975, but you would prefer to cook in the moment. Or you have decided you would rather […]
Home Improvement WANT AN INCREASE IN YOUR HOME’S VALUE? Go for Energy Efficient Upgrades! from Luxury Real Estate Blog Having an energy efficient home will not only save you money while living in it but will also help you a lot should you decide to let go of your home. Energy efficient homes generate buzz among buyers because like you, they also want to […]
Home Improvement RENOVATIONS THAT DON’T ADD RESALE VALUE by Amanda Lauren, Contributor  FORBES – Real Estate While your home is the place you live, it’s also the most expensive investment that most people will ever make. And when you’re trying to re-sell, the wrong renovation can have a long-term cost you probably didn’t think about at the time.   The number one mistake sellers […]
Home Improvement FINDING THE RIGHT PLACE FOR A HOME OFFICE When working from home, where you work is often an afterthought.   It shouldn’t be. By Ronda Kaysen THE NEW YORK TIMES – Right at Home Earlier this year, I faced a conundrum that many of us who work from home know well: Where in the house can I actually work? Unless you’re blessed with a home […]
Home Improvement TOP 5 REMODELING MISTAKES THAT HOMEOWNERS MAKE Tara Mastroeni, Contributor (Real Estate) FORBES Unfortunately, while renovation mistakes do happen, they can be costly. If you can avoid them, you should. With that in mind, I’ve laid out a list of the top renovation mistakes that homeowners make, as well as some advice on what you can do to ensure that they don’t […]
Home Improvement SPRING PRIMPING BRUSH ON A FRESH LOOK DIY Exterior Paint Prep Your Home for a Fresh New Look To determine exactly how much paint you’ll need for your project... - add the length of all sides of the house - multiply the product by the house’s height (plus two for overhang) - divide the total square footage […]
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