Market Trends 5 TIPS FOR SELLING [DURING A TIME OF PANDEMIC] by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Life is changing incredibly fast during the coronavirus pandemic and many industries are following suit, including real estate. While some sellers are deciding to pull their homes off the market and try to sell at a different time, that may not be an option for everyone. With […]
Selling THE BEST TIME TO LIST [It’s] Earlier Than You Think by Brian Ladd, Member FORBES – Real Estate Council You’ve heard it time and again: “Spring is the best time to list your home.” It makes sense. In my area, as in much of the country (at least, the part that experiences seasonal changes), home sales spike sharply in May, […]
Selling SELLING: SIX ESSENTIAL NEGOTATION STRATEGIES Save Time, Stress And Money by Jennifer Anderson, Forbes Councils Member FORBES – Real Estate The thought of negotiating a real estate transaction can be enough to make most people’s palms sweat. Selling a home – especially a home in which you and your family have spent years or even decades – is almost always […]
Buying/Investing BUYING A HOME BEFORE MARRIAGE? Here Are 4 Important Considerations To Keep In Mind Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate For previous generations, buying a home was a life milestone that often came after couples had already gotten married and combined households. These days, however, that cultural norm seems to be quickly changing. According to a new homeownership report by WalletJoy, […]
Buying/Investing 4 TIPS TO NEGOTIATE HOME INSPECTION REPAIRS Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Negotiating repairs after the inspections can be a huge step forward in purchasing your home. It can also be a huge point of contention between buyers and sellers. With that in mind, I’ve brought you some tips on how to get the most out of these negotiations. Read […]
Selling 5 HOME-SELLING ETIQUETTE RULES Every [Property Owner] Should Know Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Selling your home can be an emotional process. However, it’s important not to let your emotions cloud your judgement in the face of what is ultimately a financial decision. With that in mind, I’ve laid out five etiquette rules that every seller should […]
Financing THINKING OF REFINANCING YOUR HOME? Here’s What You Can Do To Get Your Application Approved Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate If you follow the real estate market, you probably already know that mortgage interest rates are at impressive lows. In fact, they’ve dropped a full percentage point since they reached a seven-year high in November 2018. With that in mind, […]
Buying/Investing 4 HOME BUYING ETIQUETTE RULES [YOU] SHOULD KNOW by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate The real estate industry can feel like it has its own set of rules. With that in mind, I’ve brought you four home buying etiquette rules that every buyer should know. Read them over and keep them in mind so that you feel prepared for when you’re […]
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Buying/Investing 4 COMMON DOWN PAYMENT MYTHS…debunked! by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Being able to make a down payment is one of the keys to becoming a homeowner. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions out there that keep a lot of would-be buyers from realizing that they are capable of making a purchase. With that in mind, I’ve decided to […]
Market Trends ADUs Boost Accessibility & Affordability by Jennifer Anderson, Member FORBES Real Estate Council More communities throughout the U.S. are demanding more flexible real estate options that can accommodate multigenerational families throughout all phases of life. One prominent and increasingly popular solution is the accessory dwelling unit, or ADU – an independent residential unit with its own kitchen, bathroom(s) and bedroom(s) […]
Buying/Investing WHAT NOT TO DO when buying a home By Beatrice de Jong, Member FORBES Real Estate Council The home-buying process can be a long one. Once you have an accepted offer, you’ll likely be excitedly counting down the days until you can move in and start your life as a homeowner. You might be preapproved for a mortgage, but you might not end […]
Financing THE HOW TO GUIDE TO INSTANT MORTGAGE APPROVAL by Mark Greene, Contributor FORBES – Personal Finance You should and you can know exactly where you stand with your mortgage getting chances as soon as you apply. Here’s how: If you serve up your complete, accurate and acceptable borrower profile to your lender, you will get credit approval (subject to verification) on day one. That’s it. […]
Buying/Investing WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE INSPECTING By Jennifer Anderson, Member FORBES Real Estate Council Whether you’re purchasing your first home or you’re an experienced buyer, each property has its own unique considerations when it comes to ensuring a safe environment and sound investment. Not only are home inspections vital – it’s also vital to complete them correctly and comprehensively within the established […]
Financing THREE CREDIT SCORE MYTHS THAT ARE WILDLY UNTRUE Camilo Maldonado, Senior Contributor FORBES – Personal Finance Sydney Enzler opened her first credit card when she was a 19-year-old college student. Her mom encouraged her to open the account in order to build credit and establish a strong credit score. “I wanted to use my credit cards every once in a while to build credit, […]
Buying/Investing NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN RENTAL PROPERTY [Here’s] Four Reasons Why by David Friedman, Member FORBES REAL ESTATE COUNCIL A few months ago, I was in the incredibly fortunate position of receiving a call from my real estate agent. He’d found a unit about to go on the market that would make, he thought, a strong investment. After weighing a number of options, […]
Financing MORTGAGE RATES DROP AGAIN And First-Time Homebuyers Take Full Advantage by Aly J. YaleSenior Contributor FORBES -Real Estate Mortgage rates dropped again, and according to Freddie Mac, the downward spiral has first-time buyers gaining ground. In fact, of all the loans Freddie Mac has purchased in 2019, 46% came from first-time homebuyers—a two-decade high for the company. According to […]
Financing WILL MORTGAGE RATES STAY LOW THRU 2019 Here’s What Experts Predict by Aly J. Yale, Senior Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Mortgage rates logged their lowest monthly average in over three years last month, and it seems it wasn’t just a blip on the radar. According to three industry forecasts, the trend toward low mortgage rates, slowing home price growth and increased […]
Financing THE BEST TIME TO LOCK your interest rate by Mark Greene, Contributor FORBES – Personal Finance Just so everyone understands, if I knew in advance when interest rates would move up or down, I would not have any time to write blog posts for I would be too busy on a beach somewhere in the warmer latitudes sipping paper umbrella libations and […]
Buying/Investing INVESTING? HERE’S THE MATH How To Tell If An Investment Property Is A Good Buy by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate The question on every new investor’s mind is simple: how do you know if an investment property will be profitable? Lucily, there are two easy formulas you can use to determine if an investment property is […]
Buying/Investing HOUSE HACKING – WHAT IS IT? And What You Need To Know Before Getting Started Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate These days, it seems like there’s a life hack for everything, even real estate. In recent years, “house hacking” has become a popular way to keep costs of living affordable while still enjoying the benefits that come with being […]