Buying/Investing HOW TO STOP RENTING… …And Buy Your First Home This Year by Beatrice de Jong,  Member FORBES Real Estate Council The real estate market is hot, and experts predict that it won’t be cooling off anytime soon. The good news is that low mortgage rates have made it possible for many people to buy their first home earlier than planned. Renters […]
Home Improvement WANT AN INCREASE IN YOUR HOME’S VALUE? Go for Energy Efficient Upgrades! from Luxury Real Estate Blog Having an energy efficient home will not only save you money while living in it but will also help you a lot should you decide to let go of your home. Energy efficient homes generate buzz among buyers because like you, they also want to […]
Selling WHY SHOULD A BUYER PURCHASE YOUR HOME? Luxury Real Estate Blog As a home seller, it is important to make your house a must-have for buyers. Otherwise, your home may linger on the real estate market for an extended period of time. Worst of all, you may struggle to optimize your house sale earnings. Ultimately, there are lots of things you can […]
Buying/Investing HOW TO BUY A HOME in a sellers market by Liz Frazier, Contributor FORBES – Personal Finance The 2020 housing market was a year of extremes. Within the span of just a few months, we saw homes bounce between hit decade highs and decade lows. Going into 2021, economists and industry players project home prices will continue rising by 5.7% in 2021 and that the seller’s […]
Buying/Investing APPLYING FOR YOUR FIRST MORTGAGE? 14 Expert Tips To Boost Your Approval Chances FORBES Real Estate Council Buying a home is one of the most expensive things the average person will do in their lifetime. A mortgage is viewed as the default way to finance this purchase, but getting one isn’t always easy, especially for a first-time homebuyer. There are […]
Buying/Investing A ROADMAP FOR MILLENNIAL HOMEBUYERS by Corey Burr,  Council Member FORBES Real Estate Council A rapidly growing number of millennials are jumping into the real estate market. Prior to Covid-19, predicted that millennial mortgage purchases would make up more than 50% of all new home loans this year. Even with the effects of the pandemic, millennials still managed to purchase homes. For […]
Financing MORTGAGE RATES FALL TO 50-YEAR LOW by Rob Berger, Senior Contributor FORBES – Personal Finance Mortgage rates have never been lower. That’s the upshot from Freddie Mac’s weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey. As of October 22, 2020, Freddie Mac reported that rates on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) had dropped to 2.8%. The rate on a 15-year mortgage declined to 2.33%. Both […]
Selling THINKING OF SELLING? Here’s Some Tips. 14 Simple Ways To Maximize The Value Of Your Home by Expert Panel® FORBES Real Estate Council If you’re planning to sell your home, you want to maximize its value before putting it on the market. However, increasing your home value often requires an investment, and you may not necessarily want to sink too much […]
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Financing INTEREST RATES HIT NEW LOW AGAIN Experts Say They’ll Stay There by Aly J. Yale, Senior Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Mortgage rates hit another record-breaking low this week, dropping to a mere 3.13% on the average 30-year, fixed-rate loan. That’s the lowest rate recorded since 1971, according to Freddie Mac—and the fourth time a new low has been set this […]
Buying/Investing 5 MYTHS ABOUT BUYING & SELLING A HOME RIGHT NOW by Beatrice de Jong, Member FORBES Real Estate Council Americans spend more on housing than anything else. When making one of the biggest financial decisions of your life, it’s smart to weigh your options, understand current market conditions and arm yourself with the right information. This has always been true when it comes to buying or selling […]
Buying/Investing [GET READY TO BUY POST COVID-19] [5 Things You Can Do Now] by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate There’s no denying that the spread of coronavirus has made the process of buying a home more difficult in some places and nearly impossible in others. However, even though your area may be dealing with restrictions on the real estate industry, […]
Buying/Investing BUYING A HOME DURING CORONAVIRUS The Dos And Donts Of Virtual Showings by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Even though real estate is slowly opening back up in many states, many people are still trying to keep the process as contactless as possible. Sometimes that includes utilizing virtual showings. In light of that, I spoke with Beatrice de […]
Financing CAN’T PAY YOUR MORTGAGE OR RENT? This Website Can Help By Aly J. Yale, Senior Contributor FORBES – Real Estate If COVID-19 has you worried about making rent or paying your monthly mortgage, you now have a new resource to look to thanks to the CFPB. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau launched its new coronavirus mortgage and housing assistance website today, in conjunction […]
Buying/Investing [5 THINGS TO DO TO GET READY TO BUY AFTER COVID] By Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate There’s no denying that the spread of coronavirus has made the process of buying a home more difficult in some places and nearly impossible in others. However, even though your area may be dealing with restrictions on the real estate industry, that doesn’t mean you have to […]
Financing CO-VID 19 MORTGAGE FORBEARANCE What To Know Before You Delay Payment Michelle Black, Contributor FORBES – Personal Finance Millions of individuals and families across the country are facing financial hardships during the coronavirus crisis. According to the Pew Research Center, as of late March, nearly half of Americans considered the pandemic to be a major threat to their personal […]
Market Trends [ED COs OFFERING FREE SUBS DURING SCHOOL CLOSURES] You don’t need to be a teacher or an educator to get access. by MARISA LASCALA, CONTRIBUTOR GOOD HOUSEKEEPING With all of the recent school closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak, thousands of parents have turned into homeschooling educators overnight. And while many school districts are providing some kind of distance learning, parents still find themselves scrambling to […]
Market Trends [HOW TO HOMESCHOOL DURING CORONAVIRUS] Parents who already teach at home offer tips on how to make the transition work. by Gina Rich, Contributor GOOD HOUSEKEEPING As the novel coronavirus continues to spread around the world, thousands of schools have closed in an effort to slow down the disease, leaving many parents grappling with this question: In the face of so much […]
Financing [NEED HELP WITH YOUR MORTGAGE DURING CORONAVIRUS?] Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate If you’re wondering how you’re going to pay your mortgage due to the spread of coronavirus, you’re not alone. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help take care of that monthly payment. Read on below to get a sense of what options are available to […]
Buying/Investing APPLYING FOR A MORTGAGE WITH A CO-SIGNER? Here’s What You Need To Know by Tara Mastroeni, Contributor FORBES – Real Estate Not everyone can get a mortgage on their own, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to become a homeowner. In some cases, you may be able to add a co-signer to the loan to increase your chances of approval. However, before […]
Financing [HOW CORONA STIMULUS BILL WOULD HELP HOMEOWNERS] by Sarah Hansen, Staff Writer FORBES – Markets Topline: The $2 trillion economic stimulus bill passed unanimously by the Senate late Wednesday after six days of negotiations includes sweeping protections for homeowners who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. –  The bill would allow homeowners with federally backed mortgage loans […]